Randolph Sutton (1888–1969)
Bristol-born Randolph Sutton was one of the last of the latter-day lions comiques of the Music Hall — the “swells” who dressed to the nines and sang of champagne and the high life. For years, Sutton played in pantomime as both Principal Boy and Dame. His most famous song was On Mother Kelly’s Doorstep. Sutton recorded two Fred Godfrey songs (both written under Godfrey’s pseudonym “Edward E. Elton”): Oh Maggie! What Have You Been Up To? (Edison Bell Radio 1253, 1929) and I’ve Got One Arm Round Mary (And The Other Arm Round Her Ma) (Edison Bell Radio 1343, 1930). On stage, he performed Godfrey’s They All Did The Goose-Step Home (1915); I’ve Got One Arm Round Mary (1930); and Our Claras Clicked Again (1930). |